Cosmetic and plastic surgery are on the rise in the UK, and abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is one of the most popular procedures. Mr Darren Chester is a leading consultant plastic surgeon, and he offers the abdominoplasty surgery Solihull patients are looking for. His experience means he has carried out the procedure many times and can help patients achieve the results they are hoping for.

What is Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that aims to reshape and firm the abdominal area. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals who have loose skin or excess fat that does not improve with diet and exercise.

Benefits of Abdominoplasty

The primary benefit of undergoing abdominoplasty surgery is the improved appearance of the abdomen. It can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding belly, helping patients regain confidence and comfort in their body shape. Additionally, it can help improve posture and decrease back pain caused by weakened abdominal muscles.

Candidates for Abdominoplasty

Ideal candidates for abdominoplasty are those in good general health, non-smokers, and those at a stable weight. It’s particularly popular among women post-pregnancy who have stretched skin and muscles or individuals who have undergone significant weight loss resulting in excess skin. Booking an initial appointment to discuss your hopes for plastic surgery is the first step in deciding which procedures are right for your goals, and Mr Chester and his team can help you with this.

A Closer Look at the Procedure

Abdominoplasty involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightening of the abdominal muscles. The procedure is typically performed under general anaesthesia and can take anywhere from two to five hours depending on the extent of surgery. You will have the chance to discuss the procedure, side effects and time involved before you agree. You may also have an abdominoplasty alongside other procedures such as liposuction depending on the treatment plan you have chosen.

Recovery and Aftercare

Post-surgery, patients sometimes need to wear a compression garment and require a period of rest. Full recovery may take several weeks. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s guidelines to ensure the best results and minimise complications. The full results of the surgery can take some time to show but most patients are very happy with the results.

Appointments for Abdominoplasty Surgery Solihull

Mr Darren Chester provides regular clinics at Spire Parkway Hospital in Solihull. Patients can arrange an appointment to discuss their hopes for surgery and then book in for the procedure itself.