Liposuction involves the removal of fat through small cuts, using a narrow tube called a cannula connected to a suction machine.
Who can benefit from liposuction?
The ideal candidate for liposuction is someone of normal weight who has localised fat deposits that are resistant to dieting. Patients should have a BMI of less than 30 and be in good health. Patients should not have significant skin excess and should have good quality skin that can retract once the fat has been removed from underneath it.
It is important to note that liposuction is not a treatment for being overweight and is merely an option for people who wish to improve the cosmetic appearance of certain areas of their body.
The most commonly treated areas in Mr Chester’s practice are the thighs and the tummy. Liposuction is also regularly performed as part of other procedures such as breast reduction, tummy tuck and arm reduction.
What will happen during the consultation?
Mr Chester will see you in clinic to assess the problem and your suitability for surgery. He will explain the procedure in detail including the limitations, potential risks and complications.
How long will I be in hospital?
Patients who have liposuction come into hospital on the day of the operation and will either go home the same day or stay one night in hospital, depending on the size of the area to be treated.
What will happen during the operation?
Surgery is usually performed under a general anaesthetic (put to sleep). Occasionally smaller areas can be treated with local anaesthetic (numbing injections only). Small incisions (cuts), around 5-6mm in length, are made in the skin around the area to be treated. The number of incisions varies depending on the location and the amount of fatty tissue to be removed. The procedure usually takes around 1-2 hours to perform but depends on the size and number of areas that require treatment. The wounds are closed with dissolvable stitches and small dressings are applied.
What is the recovery period?
It is normal to develop bruising and swelling following liposuction. The majority of the swelling subsides in the first 10 days but it can take 6 weeks for the remaining swelling to improve. Mr Chester will advise you regarding aftercare. You will need some form of pressure garment worn day and night for 2 weeks and then during the day for a further 4 weeks. Exercise can normally be resumed 3-4 weeks after surgery. Most patients are back at work after 2 weeks.
Pre and post-operative photographs
Photographs show a 55-year-old lady treated with liposuction to outer and inner aspects of both thighs
Before surgery

After surgery