Breast uplift
Breast uplift, also known by its medical name of mastopexy, is a popular surgical procedure.
This operation involves removing excess skin, tightening the breasts and elevating the position of the nipple. The size of the areolas is usually reduced also. The aim of the operation is to make the breasts appear more youthful and feel more supported. Bra size following this operation is a little unpredictable but on average patients go down one cup size as the breast tissue is ‘re-packaged’.
Why do people consider mastopexy?
Patients seek mastopexy for problems such as:
- Drooping of breasts
- Excess skin of breasts
- Feeling that breasts have prematurely aged – nipple positions too low
- Unable to wear tops without a bra
- Wide areolas (the pigmented area around the nipples)
- If severe, physical symptoms such as discomfort when exercising and rashes under the breasts
Mastopexy is sometimes also performed with other procedures such as:
- Removal of implants (explantation), when it can be useful to tighten the breasts after they have been stretched by implants
- Exchange of breast implants, if drooping of the breasts has occurred.
- Breast augmentation (insertion of breast implants, augmentation mastopexy), as some patients request more fill in their breasts in addition to an uplift
- Operations to correct size and shape differences between breasts e.g tuberous breast deformity.
What does the consultation involve?
How long will I be in hospital ?
What happens during the operation?
What is the recovery period following mastopexy?
You should be able to perform light activities after 2 weeks and exercise after 6 weeks. Heavy lifting should be avoided for 6 weeks and strenuous upper body exercise may need to be deferred until 3 months after the operation. You are likely to need at least 2 weeks off work depending on your occupation. If you have a physical occupation then you may require around 4-6 weeks off work. You will not be able to drive for approximately 1-2 weeks. You will need to wear a sports bra for 6 weeks after surgery to help support and shape your breasts.
Mr Chester normally sees patients following mastopexy surgery at around 1 week, 2 weeks, 6 weeks and 3-6 months post-operatively, although this is only a guide and sometimes patients can require additional appointments for dressings etc. Mr Chester provides most, if not, all of the aftercare himself as he likes to check patients himself and offer reassurance at all stages.
Before and after photographs
48-year-old lady with degree of asymmetry. Uplift on both sides performed with removal of small amount of tissue on right side to improve symmetry. Photos on right at 7 months post-op

19-year-old lady requesting uplift surgery after 2 stones of weight loss. Mastopexy performed without removal of any breast tissue. Post-operative photographs on the right have been taken at approximately 9 months.